
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

18-year-old earning RM6,500 before she enters college

我是Wei Earn. 一个18, 站出来讲话不会有人相信的女生.. 我现在在TAR College, Kampar修读着Diploma in Public Relations.. 

我来自一个小康之家从小我便知道爸爸的心脏不好. 他今年55, 很可悲现在的他还在辛苦的工作. 因为手停口停... 我有一个愿望就是希望爸爸快点退休, 有一家属于自己的小餐馆~~ 做他自己喜欢做的事~~ 生活自由自在~~ 还有希望如果哪一天真的来临爸爸需要动手术的话, 至少我们有能力让他安心的动手术而我们是不需要去问亲戚朋友借钱这就是为什么我会开始跟着姐姐 (Wai Sum) SAB的原因...

开始这盘生意的时候, 我什么都不是我不是别人口中所说的MB, MR 或者MT... 我甚至连 brochure 都没有!!!我的开始是从身边最要好的朋友着手. 可惜, 在众多的好朋友当中, 只有一个朋友愿意和我合作有一些朋友甚至生气我或开始不爽我

我哭过好几次甚至也有放弃的念头. 可是每次当我想要放弃时, 我会想回当初开始这盘生意的原因. 每当我要放弃时, 最常出现在我脑海里的句子就是: ”如果你现在放弃的话, 你之前付出的一切就会付诸流水.因为这个念头, 我还是咬紧了牙关闯过去

最痛的不是朋友的不谅解, 而是父母的不理解因为这盘生意, 我和父母起了冲突不善于和父母交流的我没有对他们多加解释也没有对他们说我开始这盘生意的目的直到姐姐(Wai Sum) 帮我解释... 我爸开始信任我甚至借钱让我开始我的生意... 我很感恩...

辛苦了2个月多, 今天的我终于是 Executive5... 我很感谢一路来帮我的Wai Sum, Blake, Joseph & Joshua... 最后还要谢谢我所有的 partners.. 因为你们让我更坚定的走下去!!! 我下一个目标就是Premiere然后Ambassador最后我就会是Presidential!!!! OSCAR NIGHT I’M COMING!!!

SAB我学到的: 1. 相信自己!向自己的梦想前进!不要因为一点问题就放弃目前正在做的事
                                2. 责任要放在对的事情上..  很多时候的固执会使自己吃很多亏..
                                3. 跟着系统走, 一定能 成功!!!!!!

愿望:  - 帮助更多的朋友每个月赚RM6500以上及实现他们伟大的愿望。
           - 带着我的PARTNERS及自己和他们的家人一起出国旅行!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hi everyone, my name is Wei Earn. 18-year-old & just finished my SPM. I came from an average family and sad to say, my Dad, at the age of retirement (having heart disease) still working hard everyday to maintain the family. The reason behind why I started this SAB Supply & Trading Biz is bcos I want to have a better life for my Dad & my family... I hope that he can enjoy his retirement and do whatever he likes, enjoying the rest of his life...

It's always tough in the starting for everyone in a biz. I have no exception for it too. Without any stocks on hand or even a brochure, I started bringing friends (close friends) to functions and seminars. However, none of them even listened to my presentations. Some even boycotted me and talked behind me.

Friends' boycotting plus family's pressure and not-understanding weakens me. I cried several times and have every intention to give up. Every time when I was going to give up, I asked my self one question: WHY? Why I chose SAB in the starting point? 

Then I'll hear a voice saying: ''If you give up now, all your effort & hardwork you've put in the past period will be all gone!!'' Because of this inner voice, I made up my mind, no matter what, I will fight through all the challenges till I reach my goal.

I'm a protected girl in my family. Daddy will not listen to my words because of my childish behavior all this while. Luckily I've got a creditable Sister (Wai Sum) who talked to my parents on behalf of me. Daddy trusted her and finally invested on me to start this SAB supply & trading biz. We brought Daddy to SAB Convention last Labour Day. He saw it!!! Finally, he understood why is Wai Sum so persistent in starting SAB during her final year studies and why am I so persistent in following her steps. Now, he will never blame us or complained us anymore. He will also give us suggestions how to run this biz more efficiently!!!

2 months of effort repays me an Executive5 earning RM6,500. All the bitter and sour I had for the past 2 months is nothing for me. I am now a stronger and matured person. Thanks to all the people (Wai Sum, Blake, Joseph & Joshua) who helped me and taught me relentlessly to achieve my level. Thank you!!!

I learned from SAB: 
- Believe in yourself! March towards your dreams! Never give up!
- our responsibility should be put on the RIGHT thing, stubbornness may only 
  cause more losses
- follow SAB system & you will be guaranteed SUCCESS!!

Vision: - help & teach more friends to earn RM6500 per month and realize their 
             - bring at least 2 buses of partners from Kampar to SAB Seminars and 
             - bring more partners and family to international trips


Wei Earn's 1st Royalty Cheque from SAB Supply & Trading Biz...

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