
Monday, July 4, 2011

Your Life!! Your Choice!!

How does RM6500 - RM125,000 income per month 
can change your life into?

Life is not How Brilliant You Are
But It's about an OPPORTUNITY!!

 Are you tired with:

 Ask Yourself!!! 
Are there any choices to Increase your Income??

1. Work overtime or change job?
2. Sacrifice lifestyle for savings?
3. Risk an expensive business?
4. Borrow money to invest?
5. Get lucky? 

Did they works??? Think About It!!! 

How About If You can earn Cash  money on the spot??? 

Now, the OPPORTUNITY is here...


It doesn't matter who you are, where are you from or 
what qualifications do you have...

Everyone can do SAB Supply & Trading Biz...

We have lawyers (Mr. Arthur Yap - Founding Presidential), engineers (Mr. Joshua Goh - Presidential), university dropouts (Mr. David Ooi - Presidential), CFO (En. Masli - Ambassadors), doctors (Dr. Shaidan), university graduates, other professions, university & college students and even fresh grads from SPM...

It's a big business with simple concepts:

 Coaching + Own Commitment

What would You Do with MORE TIME & MONEY??

Would you like to have these kind of lifestyles??
Who will say No to these??

There are 2 kind of people in the world. 
Those who Work Hard & those who Work Smart!!!

Work Hard: They exchange their time and freedom for a fixed amount of money (income). They are working for money to have a 'secured' life. But they have limited assets or properties
Work Smart: They exchange their little efforts for huge outcome (20:80). They have unlimited time and financial freedom and they are having their money working for them.

Have a look on this short but mind opening story!!!

Who would you like to be?? Pablo or Bruno??

Why SAB??
- learn how to earn minimum RM6,500 monthly income with a PROVEN AND CREDIBLE   
- solve all financial problems and have TIME & FINANCIAL FREEDOM
- learn how to be SUCCESSFUL in life
- learn how to be a TRUE LEADER
- achieve all our childhood dreams that we have forgotten while growing up
- not only transform our own life, we can help transform others life to become better

Even M'sia Prime Minister encourages young people to take the opportunity & start our own business!!!

Contact Us For Your Kickstart Today!!!

Take a look at ALL these REAL & PROVEN SUCCESS Stories!!!

Blake earned more than RM20,000 before graduating from UTAR in May '11: http://believe-and-live-yourdreams.blogspot.com/2011/01/biz-admin-undergrad-made-rm6500-during_28.html
Janice herself and helping 2 SPM fresh grads earning RM6,500 during her final year exam: http://believe-and-live-yourdreams.blogspot.com/2011/01/utar-undergrad-made-her-1st-rm65k.html
Wei Earn herself and helped 1 fren earning RM6,500 before she enters College: http://believe-and-live-yourdreams.blogspot.com/2011/05/18-year-old-earning-rm6500-before-she.html
Andox started blurly with big results, now helping frens earning cash everyday: http://believe-and-live-yourdreams.blogspot.com/2011/05/blur-start-with-big-rewards.html
Michelle transformed life of many students in UTAR: http://believe-and-live-yourdreams.blogspot.com/2011/04/admin-student-made-rm13000-in-2-months.html
Jesmond helped many of his frens earning cash everyday: http://believe-and-live-yourdreams.blogspot.com/2011/01/ordinary-student-succeed-with-sab.html

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

a Blur Start with BIG Rewards!!!

我叫Andox, 人人都叫我啊Wah 今年19岁。刚刚 Form5 毕业, 没有一个正当职业, 也没有继续留学。刚从 KL 做完暑假工回来后 Wei Earn 叫我和她一起去 seminar。本来只是给面子她,敷衍她,才答应和她去 seminar

去到seminar那里,英文又不是好过人,马来文又半桶水, blur blur的都不懂台上的在讲什么,一头雾水。Joseph 问我要怎样开始。我觉得想开始,赚得过就 ON 咯。那时我的bank 只剩下 RM200,我都拿了出来拿了一块 bar 和 1 set function ticket。他们还找回 RM5 给我。

隔几天后,我开始约我的朋友出来跟他们分享这个批发的生意。因为用错了方式导致他们不爽我。还当面送了几句三字经给我。那时我HURT到~~~可是又因为给面子我, 他们还是来了function。不过没有一个on

之后 Wei Earn 就叫了我去 TTDI,公司的私人岛(赚RM6500 以上才可以去的叻)。在那里真的是超爽,很 enjoy~~ 之后,我就更了解这个 business!!! 就更有信心去把这个生意介绍给身边的人。

我慢慢的跟着 Blake & Wai Sum 还有 Joseph 教导去做,跟着系统做!!! 我开始有了自己的 team。之前抗拒这门生意的朋友也跟着我一起去开始这生意。之后我带着我的team一起去 convention & TTDI。回来后, 我就成为了Executive5。我的 partners 也开始去达到他们的阶段

在这之前,因为这个生意,我和家人起了冲突。甚至连亲戚们都抓我去问话。问我为什么每天都往外跑,三更半夜才回家。我还在我妈面前哭了!!!! 就在这个时候,Wai Sum & Blake打电话给我,Blake辅导我,把我从谷底拉回起来。就是这样,我始终没有放弃的念头。直到今天,我终于达到了我的阶段!! 我证明到给我的家人看了。我是有用的!!!!!

我告诉我自己,三年后,我要带着我的 team 一起达到 Presidential 这个阶段!!!!! 每一个和我一起合作的 partners 都能上台接受我的 recognition!!!!

最后我要谢谢 Blake, Wai Sum & Joseph。如果不是他们在适当的时候对我施压及推动我的话,就不会有今天的啊 Wah 及未来更好的啊 Wah!!!!


Hi everyone, I am Andox. People call me Ah Wah. I just graduated from Form5 and neither got a job nor continuing my study. When I just got back from KL, Wei Earn (my schoolmate) approached me with this SAB Supply & Trading biz and asked me to follow her to a seminar in KL. Haiz!!! So long time friend and she persuaded me on her birthday, so I just pitied her and went to the seminar with her.

At the seminar, being weak in English... Malay know half dunno half... being there BLUR BLUR all the time... Not sure about what those fella talking about on stage and what others fella laughing on the floor... one word: BLUR!!! 

After the seminar ended, Joseph asked me how can I start this biz... I thought for a while & I just said: ON!!! At that time, I only have RM200 in my bank account... I took a bar of Eumora and 1 set of function tickets, they still returned me RM5 change & I started the biz... I first approached my gang in Kampar, but sadly, I used the wrong method & even got scolded with vulgars by my gang~~~ I was so so so HURT that moment... But yet, they still came to the function but none of them started the biz...

Wei Earn invited me to join her sister to their monthly company trip to private island at Tasek Temenggor (TTDI) *only traders who earn RM6500 qualified for that trip*. It was so enjoying there... Being close to nature & interacting with other successful traders from all over Malaysia, I am more familiar to the biz now...

I followed Wai Sum & Blake's instructions & also Joseph's advise... I follow SAB's system!!! I finally got my team of partners. We went to convention together & now, I am Executive earning RM6500 last month. I'm happy to bring my team to our monthly trip at TTDI last week where we really enjoyed ourselves!!!

When I first started this biz, I got into arguments with my family and relatives. I even cried in front of my mum!! When I am having every intention of giving up, my coach couple appeared. Wai Sum and Blake called me. I had a heart to heart conversation with Blake where he pulled me up from the bottom of the valley. His words inspires me alot and I decided to march forward and overcome every challenges that blocks my way.

I promised to myself, within 3 years, I am going to lead my team to achieve our goals and that time, we will be on stage together being recognized as PRESIDENTIALS!!!

Here, I would like to take this chance to thank my coach Wai Sum & Blake and also Joseph for giving the right pressure at the right timing!!! Without you 3, I won't be who I am today and I won't be a better Me!!! Thank you~~~

Andox's 1st Royalty Cheque with SAB Supply & Trading Biz

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

18-year-old earning RM6,500 before she enters college

我是Wei Earn. 一个18, 站出来讲话不会有人相信的女生.. 我现在在TAR College, Kampar修读着Diploma in Public Relations.. 

我来自一个小康之家从小我便知道爸爸的心脏不好. 他今年55, 很可悲现在的他还在辛苦的工作. 因为手停口停... 我有一个愿望就是希望爸爸快点退休, 有一家属于自己的小餐馆~~ 做他自己喜欢做的事~~ 生活自由自在~~ 还有希望如果哪一天真的来临爸爸需要动手术的话, 至少我们有能力让他安心的动手术而我们是不需要去问亲戚朋友借钱这就是为什么我会开始跟着姐姐 (Wai Sum) SAB的原因...

开始这盘生意的时候, 我什么都不是我不是别人口中所说的MB, MR 或者MT... 我甚至连 brochure 都没有!!!我的开始是从身边最要好的朋友着手. 可惜, 在众多的好朋友当中, 只有一个朋友愿意和我合作有一些朋友甚至生气我或开始不爽我

我哭过好几次甚至也有放弃的念头. 可是每次当我想要放弃时, 我会想回当初开始这盘生意的原因. 每当我要放弃时, 最常出现在我脑海里的句子就是: ”如果你现在放弃的话, 你之前付出的一切就会付诸流水.因为这个念头, 我还是咬紧了牙关闯过去

最痛的不是朋友的不谅解, 而是父母的不理解因为这盘生意, 我和父母起了冲突不善于和父母交流的我没有对他们多加解释也没有对他们说我开始这盘生意的目的直到姐姐(Wai Sum) 帮我解释... 我爸开始信任我甚至借钱让我开始我的生意... 我很感恩...

辛苦了2个月多, 今天的我终于是 Executive5... 我很感谢一路来帮我的Wai Sum, Blake, Joseph & Joshua... 最后还要谢谢我所有的 partners.. 因为你们让我更坚定的走下去!!! 我下一个目标就是Premiere然后Ambassador最后我就会是Presidential!!!! OSCAR NIGHT I’M COMING!!!

SAB我学到的: 1. 相信自己!向自己的梦想前进!不要因为一点问题就放弃目前正在做的事
                                2. 责任要放在对的事情上..  很多时候的固执会使自己吃很多亏..
                                3. 跟着系统走, 一定能 成功!!!!!!

愿望:  - 帮助更多的朋友每个月赚RM6500以上及实现他们伟大的愿望。
           - 带着我的PARTNERS及自己和他们的家人一起出国旅行!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hi everyone, my name is Wei Earn. 18-year-old & just finished my SPM. I came from an average family and sad to say, my Dad, at the age of retirement (having heart disease) still working hard everyday to maintain the family. The reason behind why I started this SAB Supply & Trading Biz is bcos I want to have a better life for my Dad & my family... I hope that he can enjoy his retirement and do whatever he likes, enjoying the rest of his life...

It's always tough in the starting for everyone in a biz. I have no exception for it too. Without any stocks on hand or even a brochure, I started bringing friends (close friends) to functions and seminars. However, none of them even listened to my presentations. Some even boycotted me and talked behind me.

Friends' boycotting plus family's pressure and not-understanding weakens me. I cried several times and have every intention to give up. Every time when I was going to give up, I asked my self one question: WHY? Why I chose SAB in the starting point? 

Then I'll hear a voice saying: ''If you give up now, all your effort & hardwork you've put in the past period will be all gone!!'' Because of this inner voice, I made up my mind, no matter what, I will fight through all the challenges till I reach my goal.

I'm a protected girl in my family. Daddy will not listen to my words because of my childish behavior all this while. Luckily I've got a creditable Sister (Wai Sum) who talked to my parents on behalf of me. Daddy trusted her and finally invested on me to start this SAB supply & trading biz. We brought Daddy to SAB Convention last Labour Day. He saw it!!! Finally, he understood why is Wai Sum so persistent in starting SAB during her final year studies and why am I so persistent in following her steps. Now, he will never blame us or complained us anymore. He will also give us suggestions how to run this biz more efficiently!!!

2 months of effort repays me an Executive5 earning RM6,500. All the bitter and sour I had for the past 2 months is nothing for me. I am now a stronger and matured person. Thanks to all the people (Wai Sum, Blake, Joseph & Joshua) who helped me and taught me relentlessly to achieve my level. Thank you!!!

I learned from SAB: 
- Believe in yourself! March towards your dreams! Never give up!
- our responsibility should be put on the RIGHT thing, stubbornness may only 
  cause more losses
- follow SAB system & you will be guaranteed SUCCESS!!

Vision: - help & teach more friends to earn RM6500 per month and realize their 
             - bring at least 2 buses of partners from Kampar to SAB Seminars and 
             - bring more partners and family to international trips


Wei Earn's 1st Royalty Cheque from SAB Supply & Trading Biz...

Monday, May 23, 2011

UTAR Undergrad made RM6.5k during Final Year Exam

My name is Wai Sum... I am a officially graduated from UTAR 1 week ago after I received my exam results... 

I was from an average family... Having enough $$$ to spend every month but we never have extra~~~
I relied on PTPTN to support my studies... I was brought up with a mindset that is we can earn more $$$ with a degree scroll... But as I go through my uni life, I realized it's impossible for the market to support thousands of fresh grads every year (haven't include those who are still unemployed)

The first time I met Joshua and Joseph through Michelle at 'Face-to-Face' where they are having presentations with other existing SAB Traders (all UTAR students)... In order to get to know more about what actually SAB is, me and Blake decided to attend their seminar in KL... We have no money that time... Blake used all the coins he saved up 4 yrs ago (RM140.00) to pay for the seminar ticket (RM40.00 x 2) and we went to the seminar. In order to save money, we carpooled his friends car back to Klang... All the way from Klang to KL, we used public transportation... 

In the seminar, we met Arthur (Presidential Founder of SAB) for the 1st time... He's really a great person & he inspires us a lot... We decided to take up the biz hoping it will change our life, our future... Things never go smooth as we want it to be... Blake got a heated argument with his family bcos of the biz... On the same day, we went back to Kampar, nothing with us, only a RM5 SAB Brochure... All the while, we are having every intention to give up the biz... 

But after we settle down and think about  the consequences... Michelle will only need to look for another biz partner to substitute our place... But Us?? we might lose the opportunity that may change our lives... We carried on approaching our friends and others until one day... A friend took one package from me... Blake took the money back to Klang & started to venture the market there... Joshua saw our effort & decided to develop us... With his guidance and help, we introduced more packages and within 2 weeks time... 

We are Executive 5, earning income of RM6,500... The following month, we achieved Premiere, earning more than RM12,000...  Joshua gave us very good inspiration, he once told us: We Live Our LIFE Only ONCE, We Deserve the Best!!! It was like a thunder striking right onto my head... We are sure that SAB is our future!!!

Being in the business for almost 4 months, I've been to SAB's monthly biz trip to our private island on Tasek Temenggor thrice... Every month, we've gotta spare some of the weekdays away from the hustle bustle of the city, being so close to the nature, enjoying ourselves!! Not only me & Blake, we are bringing moire and more young people there...

The feeling of being recognized on stage with Blake was good... But what is much better is being recognized on stage by myself... Last month, while I was fighting both for my graduation exam & also SAB biz... I achieved both of them!!! I am now Executive 5, earned RM6,500 and also I'm officially graduated from uni... Together with me, is my 18-year-old sister, Wei Earn and his schoolmate... Ah Wah... Both of them followed our footsteps and with 2 months, they are Executive 5 and earned RM6,500!!!

What is the best part was --- I need not worry about getting myself a job bcos I am achieving my dreams & goals with SAB~~~

I'm glad to have mt boyfriend for being there for me during high & low... Joseph for his coaching and Joshua & Sue Lyn for their advises along the way...

Vision: - to teach and help more young people become Executive5 
                  (monthly income more than RM6k)
               - to bring more people in my team for our regular  TTDI trip & even  
                  other international trips
               - to transform the life of thousands of people and help them achieve  
                  their dreams

Our Live, Our Future... It's all on your hand!!! You determine who you are and where you'll go!!! 

Monday, January 31, 2011

Undergrad Made More than RM20,000 Before Graduating

while most of his friends busy enjoying their sem breaks...
spending money here & there...
this guy here made a decision~~~ a decision that changed his life...

I am Blake... a final year student majoring in Business Administration in UTAR Kampar...  A friend of mine, Michelle (a classmate in UTAR) introduced it to me... I knew I'm not that analytical kind of person, I discussed about it with my girlfriend & I decided to bring her along to another appointment where Michelle introduced her biz coach (Joshua & Joseph) to us... What a coincident, SAB is having a seminar at KL the same weekend and I made up my mind to attend the seminar before making any decision...

I was totally broke that time... I don't even have the money to travel to KL to attend the seminar with my girlfriend... I used the coins that I've been saving this four years (total of RM140) for the seminar tickets (RM40 x 2) and carpooled my friend's car back to Klang (my hometown)... We traveled by public transportations all the way from Klang to Wisma MCA for the seminar... There, we made up our mind to start the business from ZERO~~~

Things never go as what we planned... I have no money to start that time... I have to cancel my unit trust funds to withdraw the money for my biz.... I had a heated argument with my family where they objected my decisions to start this trading and supply biz... I left home!!! I brought my girlfriend back to Kampar with only one thing on our hand... the BROCHURE!!!

With that brochure, it's hard to convince ppl & I had every intention of giving up... But when I think deeper... What are the consequences if I do really give up? Michelle might need to find another biz partner but me... I might lost a very valuable chance that might change my life... I knew that I won't be able to earn this income when I work in future... How many years I need to spend till I reach this income level??? 3 years? 6 years? or 10 years? Addition, there are so many uni-grads every year... Can we be guaranteed a job with our degree scroll???

I decided to carry on then, we managed to introduce a few packages in Kampar then I went back to Klang to venture the market there... I managed to supply our products to a pharmacy near my place... Within 2 weeks, we went all out for our biz & here I am today... Executive 5 who made RM6.5k income... The following month, we made more than RM12,000 from the biz....

While I was fighting for SAB biz & also my graduation exam, I managed to build 3 Executive 5 under me... They are my girlfriend (Wai Sum), Wai Sum's younger sister, Wei Earn (SPM grad) and Ah Wah (also a SPM grad)... 

Besides, we also have a chance to go for our company trip at TTDI (a private island co-owned by SAB), not once but every month... We really enjoyed ourselves there, being so close to the nature... Spending time and sharing thoughts with other successful SAB traders and millionaires... Most important is, how many of us can easily go for a 3 days 2 nights company trip during weekdays??? R u kidding...

Thanks to my girlfriend who supported my all this time, Michelle, Joshua and Joseph who helped and guided me a lot in my biz...

Visionsto teach and help more people to become Executive 5 
                 - bring more people of my biz group to TTDI for our 
                    company trip 
                   (minimum income of RM6.5k - maximum unlimited income)
                 - to go Presidential in less than 5 years time

Think Big! Dream Big! Go All Out and Achieve our Goals!!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Your Goals throughout 2011??

Have you thought of GOALS that you wanna achieve in the year of 2011??

For me,
I wanna get my Biz Admin degree scroll together with my Dear
& together we attend of last convocation with our beloved friends & families~~~
sharing the glorious moment where we celebrates our effort & hardwork all these years...
and to repay our parents' so called investment in our lives...
thanks for your love, support & everything that makes me grow into what I am now today...

next, I hope that I can realize my dreams with Dear...
having our own properties... luxury cars and businesses that we've planned earlier...
how can I achieve all this???
through the SAB Trading & Supply Business we are doing now~~~

setting Goals not only for us to try our best achieve it...
it's for us to go all-out wholeheartedly to achieve it...

Goals are motivators that pushes us farther...
without 'GOAL', our life will just 'GO' like that...

Solomon once said:
the race is not to the swift... the battle is not for the strong...
the wealth is not to the brilliant... the food is not to the wise...
the favour is not to the able... but...
TIME and CHANCES to every man~~~

it's not whether CAN WE DO IT...
it's just whether DO WE WANT TO DO IT...

join us in the business and
together we learn... together we drive to achieve our dreams~~~

think Big... dream Big... go all out & shut the back door...

All the best!!!

for more info about SAB Trading & Supply Business, contact us:
Janice Lee (016-5477095)
Blake Lau  (016-5434663)